Remedial Massage


Would you like to discover how you can recover from chronic and acute injuries faster? Pain felt in your body can be a referred indication that there is a physical imbalance in the nervous system, muscles, tendons, ligaments or organs. Pain can be felt when you are arising from a seat, turn a certain way, having trouble getting in and out of the car, or simply lifting your leg over the door frame to get inside your home.

Massage will aid the body’s recovery from aches pain, and injuries. We specialise in applying remedial massage techniques and trigger point therapy to your problem areas so that you can get back to your normal life quicker.

Migraines are our specialty. Massage relieves aches and pains, increases movement and joint mobility, heals damaged tissue and muscles. It is great to have massage for injuries, and also for any type of long standing chronic injuries or recently acquired acute painful injuries, to aid the body's rehabilitation process.

Therefore you will regain your strength faster, and you will stop favouring the non-painful side of your body, making movement, mobility and life easier. Get to the bottom of the issue and resolve it!

We deal with Chronic and Acute pain resulting from:-

* Scoliosis

* Kyphosis

* Lordosis

* Childhood crawling/walking

* Walking difficulties

* Car/Motorbike accident trauma recovery and nightmares resulting from these

* Sporting injuries


* Migraines  

* Sciatica  

* Dizziness  

* Whiplash

* Imbalance

* Frozen Shoulders

* Mouse Arm/hand Injuries

* Traumas 

* Niggly aches and pains that take over your life!

* Chronic and acute pain any where in the body. 


A formal assessment of your range movement, and flexibility and strctural alignment will be checked.

Pain level, stiffness and torque in your body will be addressed.

At the beginning of your massage, heat packs will be applied to your painful areas.

Massage will begin with warming up the areas to then apply the necessary pressure to alleviate the stress, torque and pain in the body.  Your tendons will be loosened, and joint mobility will be alleviated immensely.

A 4 week program is recommended for your body fully receive the benefits of structural remedial massage. 



SERVICES AVAILABLE:- For Mobile and Clinic services- *Remedial Massage *Connective/Deep Tissue Massage *Musculo-Skeletal realignment *Relaxation/Swedish Massage *Lymphatic Drainage Shiatsu 

Utilising Touch For Health Kinesiology for *Brain Integration - *Learning difficulties.


For Clinic Service Only Including Above list as well:- *Hot Stone Massage   *Cupping  * Moxibustion  *Bamboo Massage

* Rebates Available

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